Feature Articles

Smooth Transition: Law Enforcement Agencies Embrace NIBRS Reporting with Ease

Smooth Transition: Law Enforcement Agencies Embrace NIBRS Reporting with Ease

Law enforcement agencies across the country are embracing the transition from the UCR system to NIBRS reporting for more comprehensive and detailed crime data analysis. 

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Navigating the Cloud: A Key Partnership for RMS via Microsoft Azure CJIS-Conformant Cloud

Navigating the Cloud: A Key Partnership for RMS via Microsoft Azure CJIS-Conformant Cloud

As new advancements in technology take centerstage all over the news (...enter AI), law enforcement agencies across the nation are dealing with the mounting pressure of how to efficiently and securely manage the increasing volume and complexity of data generated across all their various technical platforms.  

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PA Capital Area: A Bring Your Own System Approach to Data Sharing

PA Capital Area: A Bring Your Own System Approach to Data Sharing

33 agencies, real-time unified search and sharing, diverse Records Management System (RMS) platforms. How the PA Capital Area built the data foundation that allows contributing agencies to share data, regardless of the RMS system they use

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Intelligence-Led RMS: CODY software featured in FBINAA Associate Magazine

Intelligence-Led RMS: CODY software featured in FBINAA Associate Magazine

Learn how three FBINAA graduates have used their CODY RMS system to make their agencies smarter, more productive, and more intelligence-led.

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'Facebook of Suspects': COBRA in Lancaster County, PA

'Facebook of Suspects': COBRA in Lancaster County, PA

Fifteen police departments and the District Attorney’s Office County Detective division are now using the CODY COBRA.net bridge system which allows those departments the capability to view each other’s Records Management Systems (RMS).

WATCH on Fox 43 News!

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Police Departments Across Lancaster County, PA Migrate To CODY RMS

Police Departments Across Lancaster County, PA Migrate To CODY RMS

CODY Systems signs its 10th customer agency in Lancaster County, PA, further extending the company's footprint in Pennsylvania.

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Bulletin Magazine: CODY talks with Chief of Pottstown PD

Bulletin Magazine: CODY talks with Chief of Pottstown PD

In the Fall 2016 issue of the PA Chiefs Bulletin Magazine, CODY sat down with Chief Richard Drumheller of Pottstown PD to talk about the challenges of being Chief and how CODY COBRA.net software is benefiting his department in real ways.

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Preventing Victims, not Just Crimes: CODY and COBRA.net featured on Officer.com

Preventing Victims, not Just Crimes: CODY and COBRA.net featured on Officer.com

Sarasota County (Florida) Sheriff’s Office unique use of CODY Systems’ COBRA.net data aggregation solution to empower their intelligence-led policing efforts.

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