COBRAnet Core

Foundation-first data integration, sharing and exchange



From small collections of 20 internal data sources to large state-wide consortiums with 100s of agencies, vendors and systems, the COBRAnet Core, working with ExpressBridge, efficiently harmonizes data on-the-fly from all sources, fueling all the tools the agency needs to fulfill its diverse data-driven missions simultaneously.

Unlike other data integration platforms that focus on driving data to just ONE proprietary tool, COBRAnet Core's mission is provide you and your agency partners with complete control over your shared data resources. This unique approach makes the Core your independent, future-proofed data foundation.



One, Future-proofed, 100% independent Data Core


Future-proofed Data Integration Freedom:

Connect your data sources to the Core, and then use it with tools you already have, for 100% future-proofed data integration. Send/share data with your analytics tools, N-DEx, NIBRS, etc. If you have a tool that needs data, but you don't want to be held hostage by yet another data system, COBRAnet Core is the answer.

Total Data-Source Level Security and Access Control:

Technology should work with your governance, not govern it! The Core features a rich, diverse data access and security engine that gives data-source owners full control over their data and users. At NO time, for any reason, is any data-source's data EVER commingled or 'mixed up' with another data-source's data.

Live Data Availability Across Sources:

COBRAnet Core makes data from any/all sources available to any query tools or publication events that are set-up for any given deployment's business rules.  From the instant the data is available to the Core, it can be available to all users, tools, services and publication events.

Feed Multiple External Systems Simultaneously:

Automatically feed data from all data sources to all upstream destinations, regardless of the structure and validation for each destination. Search your sources via COBRAnet, publish data to your analytics tool, submit N-DEx/NIBRS data to the FBI, send state-wide incarceration data to verify unemployment, etc. without any human monitoring.

Open API provides Open Access:

Use the COBRAnet API to configure your own access to Core functionalities in a straight-forward and standards-based manner, for agency-built tools and integrations. With the API, an organization can even further extend its return on investment by making shared data available on its own terms, anywhere.